
Smile at them.

Smile with them.

Smile when you think and talk about them.

Be Aware!

Understand how your conscious thinking and behavior can send out signals that reflect your present states.

Smiling sends the message that you’re safe and happy.  Content with yourself.  Confident.  Growing brains like that.  They like that very much.

Brain Responsive strategies like ‘smile’ create conscious thinking about thinking.

Smiling sends a signal to those in the area that the environment is presently safe, free of harm.

This relaxes the brain and puts it into ‘learning mode’.

Understand…laughing with your students and smiling as funny things happen is what takes them off defense mode.

Genius brains thrive on this!

Also, smiling when you are thinking and talking about them sends a POSITIVE message to your subconscious mind.  That affects your choices directly when it comes to the strategies you implement and practice.  Your smiling is sure to be popular and reaches all types of brains. We know that positive messages generate positive chemicals in the brain which assist the learning process.  So come on…do it.  Smile.

A smile confuses an approaching frown.  ~Author Unknown

Remember…the overall goal is to learn from those that are brain minded.  That means to learn from those who demonstrate thought provoking teachings that stimulate innovative and creative instruction.  These ideas and words are spoken by professionals in their fields that courageously taught and shared their genius with us.  Do the same.  Feed it forward to those who don’t know…

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